Friday, April 23, 2010

So Much News

Hello, everyone! It's been a while, and I'll be honest, I've been meaning to write this post for a few days now. Been busy with training (yes, I got a new job) and hanging with the roommates.

I got a job. I'm an independent agent with Lionheart Assurance Solutions. I provide customers with identity theft and legal counsel packages. If you want to check out the site, go to, and click on Onward and Upward. Enter "balance" for the user id and "power" for the password. It's cool stuff. My favorite department store has finally finished my transfer (only took them about a month!), and I'll be on the next schedule that goes out. Not exciting, but I need some money to come in soon.

Let's see... when I first envisioned this post, I thought it would be longer and wittier, but like I mentioned above, I meant to write this days ago when it was fresh in my mind. Guess I'll have to write later when I can think of something else to write... maybe take some photos and post 'em. Miss you all!


  1. Miss you too Sassy P. Looking forward to reading more of your adventures in Florida!

  2. I have such a boring life, please write more so that I can live vicariously though you!!!!
