Saturday, April 17, 2010

Cherries 'N Berries, Man

Hello, everyone! I meant to update you sooner, but I have been spending a lot of time with the roommates. The trip was a pain, but it's good to finally be here. On the 12th, Bro and I went to get Boss Man, and we didn't get back until about 2 am. This meant a lot of scrambling the next morning to get everything in the car. We wound up having to leave most of our kitchen stuff at home, because it didn't fit in the car. We had a small tupperware container already in the car, so we stuck a few knives in there. The big chef's knife didn't fit, so it wound up in the glove box.

We got started almost an hour later than we intended. We finally got on the road, with a sem-efficient driving plan. Bro wound up driving 6 or 7 hours straight, and I wound up taking over for him while Boss Man drove my car. Bro's car had me terrified- it didn't like accelerating, and going downhill in the mountains with all that weight pretty much convinced me that I was going to die. Top it all off with the radio station not working. While I was driving at the beginning of the trip, in my easily accelerated vehicle, I got pulled over for speeding. Boss Man was in the passenger seat, desperately trying to find my registration without revealing the enormous chef's knife. That could have ended a lot worse, so I guess I should not be too upset about the stupid ticket. But then the joke about the "cherries and berries" started... and hasn't stopped. (cherries and berries= cop's red and blue lights) Boss Man moved the chef's knife under his seat, just in case my foot got accelerator-happy again.

We pulled into a rest stop, and we decided that we'd try to make the rest of the trip that night. We were excited, and we didn't want to have another 8 hours or so to drive the next day. We drove a bit more, then Bro pulled off to the side with his hazard lights on. We stopped, and he came up to the car telling us that he'd left his cell phone at the rest stop. He decided against driving back for it- he'd get a new one once we got to FL. We were sick of driving, so we decided that we'd stop as soon as we crossed the border to FL. The GPS listed a Super 8 a few miles away, but it wound up taking us back over the border to GA. We laughed about making it all the way to FL and turning back.

We were only a few hours away, and we were very excited to see the house. The landlord seems cool. His wife scares us. We suspect drugs. Nice lady though. We haven't really been able to enjoy the pool or hot tub since the heater's broken. Should be up and running by Monday or Tuesday. I know you were all worried.

Bro and Boss Man just got new cell phones today- Droids. I'm jealous. The big chef's knife is still under my passenger seat.

Well, I think that just about sums up the state of affairs around here. Stay tuned for the next episode!

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