Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

I broke with tradition twice this New Year's. One, I actually went out and saw the midnight hour. I actually saw the two hours that followed it. I'm usually too apathetic to stay up for it. Two, I made several resolutions. It's funny, because up until a short while ago, I thought New Year's resolutions were stupid. I stopped setting them after my teachers stopped making us write them down in elementary school. Mine always involved being nicer to my brother, which even then I thought it was silly. Though he may deny it, I was never really all that mean to him. Once those words were written down on paper, the very idea was duly discarded.

This year, I gave it a little thought. It's one thing to wish things were different about oneself and one's life, but it's quite another to acknowledge that one may actually be able to do something about it. The past few years have been quite a roller coaster, and while I'm still just as unsure about my life's path as I always have been, I'm uncharacteristically optimistic about the outcome of this year. I am determined to find happiness this year, but to do that, some things have to change.

I will exercise more and eat less. Heaven help me (someone certainly should!), but I am obsessed with food. Particularly chocolate. If I've learned nothing else, I've learned that chocolate will not make me happy. Nor cheese. It's a shame, but it's true. There's no one thing that will make anyone happy, but I know that a healthy body will help me accomplish all the things I hope to accomplish this year. When I was in Florida, I went running a lot. Since moving back home, I've been terrible about exercising. This year, I will get myself to the gym at least five days a week. I will eat more fruits and veggies. I will moderate my chocolate intake. I can do this... I think. I'll certainly try.

I will pay attention to the world around me. I have this habit of putting up with less than wonderful circumstances without even acknowledging that I can change things. Now if I need help, I will ask for it. I will notice the little things around me. The world holds such beauty, and it's so easy for me to get too absorbed in the negative things going on. I'll look for opportunities to try new things and stop letting myself be so bored. If I'd just stop being so lazy, I could accomplish great things.

I will stop putting up with people who don't treat me well. Well, to an extent. As an employee in the retail industry, I'm stuck dealing with people who don't exactly treat as well as I think I deserve. When it comes to my friends though, I won't waste my time on people who negate my sense of well-being. And I will stop dating jerks. There's gotta be someone out there who will not only put up with my shenanigans, but he'll love me for them. And anyone who doesn't can find someone else, because I'm done letting myself be a low priority for someone who just isn't quite sure.

I will find adventure this year. Life's too short to play it safe. I will do some traveling. I will go hang gliding. Hopefully parasailing. Maybe rock climbing. I will learn other languages. I will draw again. I will write.

Well, I think that's it. Thanks to all of you who put up with my shenanigans. I know I'm not always easy to deal with. Here's to a new year full of new possibilities.